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(Spanish) TECH Clean California Overview Flyer
This flyer provides a general overview of TECH Clean California, specifically opportunities for potential partners who would like to get involved with the TECH Clean California. The intended audience is potential stakeholders, partners, and contractors.
Commercial Unitary Incentives for Heat Pump Water Heaters
TECH Clean California is offering substantial incentives direct to contractors to support the installation of heat pump water heaters in California, including commercial and other non-residential projects. Incentives for non-residential customers are currently available in PG&E, SCE and SDG&E service areas. Incentives are available only to TECH Clean California-enrolled contractors.
Distributor - HP HVAC Incentives Flyer (Co-brandable)
This flyer features the TECH Clean California HVAC incentives for single-family homes and is co-brandable. The intended audience is distributors.
(Spanish) Single Family HP HVAC Incentives Flyer
This flyer features the TECH Clean California HVAC incentives for single-family homes. The intended audience is contractors.
Distributor - HP HVAC Incentives Flyer (Not co-brandable)
This flyer features the TECH Clean California HVAC incentives for single-family homes. The intended audience is distributors.